New Heart Walk Director walks the walk

New Heart Walk Director walks the walk 

Before Deb Honor steps foot into the American Heart Association’s office in Providence, she’s already walked at least six miles.

 Our new Heart Walk Director is also a heart survivor. She was born with a heart murmur, suffered from Pulmonic Stenosis (a fixed obstruction of flow from the right ventricle of the heart to the pulmonary artery) during the delivery of her first of four children.  Several years ago a small hole on the back side of her heart was discovered. 

 Now she manages her heart disease with diet and exercise. 

 She lost her own Mom to colon cancer when she was 14 years old. “I will do everything in my power to be here for my husband and children,” said Deb. “My five why’s are Mark,  Lyndsey, Alexander, Sally and Timothy!

 We are so happy you are here, Deb!

For more information about the upcoming Heart Walks please visit


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